I think the meeting and the medium for the meeting can be separated. Yes, meetings are generally unproductive because people don’t respect the true cost of a meeting. If the hourly rate of a meeting was deducted from the organizer’s pay, they would probably treat it with more respect. But I don’t think meetings are inherently bad. What would be the tool for gathering input, feedback and decision making look like? Back and forth on a confluence document? After 4 exchanges it usually ends up in a meeting. Which is not uncommon for me to use as a benchmark. Try to solve things via email or some other medium, but after X many exchanges, it moves to a meeting with a clear agenda, decision to be made, decision rights (who makes the decision?) and method of getting to that decision. (Brainstorm, Pros/Cons exercise, 6 hats etc)
I think the meeting and the medium for the meeting can be separated.

Jeffery Smith