How You Interview is How You Hire

“Of course you can’t use Google, this is an interview!” That was the response a friend got when he attempted to search for the syntax to something he hadn’t used in awhile in an interview. After the interview was over, he texted me and told me about the situation. My advice to him was to run as fast as he could and to not think twice about the opportunity, good or bad. I haven’t interviewed at a ton of places as a candidate, so my sample size is statistically insignificant, but it seems insane in today’s world that this would be how you interview a candidate.

As a job candidate, you should pay special attention to how your interview process goes. You spend so much time focused on getting the answers and impressing the tribunal, that you can sometimes fail to evaluate the organization based on the nature of questions being asked and how they are asked. As an organization, how you interview is how you hire, how you hire is how you perform. This is an important maxim, because it can give you, the job seeker, a lot of insight into the culture and personalities you might be working with soon.

The interview process I described earlier seems to put more emphasis on rote memorization than actual problem solving ability. Coming from someone who still regularly screws up the syntax for creating symlinks, I can atest to the idea that your ability to memorize structure has no bearing on your performance as an engineer.

What does an emphasis on memorization tell me about an organization? They may fear change. They may demand the comfort of tools they know extremely well, which on the face of it isn’t a bad thing. Why use the newest whizzbangy thing when old tied and true works? Well sometimes, the definition of “works” changes. Nagios was fine for me 20 years ago, but it isn’t the best tool for the job with the way my infrastructure looks today, regardless of how well I know Nagios. (on a side note, I think this describes VIM users. We labor to make VIM an IDE because we’ve spent so many years building up arcane knowledge, that starting over seems unpalatable. But I digress)

No one expects to work at a place where Google isn’t used extensively to solve problems. So what exactly are interviewers attempting to accomplish by banning it? Creating a power-dynamic? Seeing how you work under-pressure? You work in an environment where Internet access is heavily restricted? These goals very well could be pertinent to the job, but how you evaluate those things are just as important as the results you get from them.

I wish there was a rosetta stone for interview format to personality types, but this is just one example of the type of thing I look for when interviewing and try to actively avoid when giving an interview. Things to also look out for

  • Are they looking for a specific solution to a general problem? Maybe you have an answer that works, but you feel them nudging you to a predetermined answer. (e.g. Combine two numbers to get to 6. They might be looking for 4 and 2, but 7 and –1 are also valid)
  • Did the interview challenge you at all technically? Will you be the smartest person in the room if you’re hired?
  • Are you allowed the tools that you would fully expect to use on the job? (Google, IDE help documentation etc)
  • Are they asking questions relevant to the actual role? Preferably in the problem space you’ll be working in.

Paying attention to how a company evaluates talent gives you insight into the type of talent they have. The assumption is always that the people giving the interview have the right answers, but plenty of unqualified people have jobs and those same unqualified people often sit in on interviews.

Remember that the interview is a two-way street. Look to the interview process as a way to gleam information about all of the personalities, values and priorities that make the process what it is. And then ask yourself, is it what you’re looking for?

Jeffery Smith @darkandnerdy